Small Methods

This page contains small methods that I have picked up over the years.
Most of them are really only useful as another extra source of income. They are all very easy to set up but you won't make huge amounts of money with the methods therefore I would recommend using the other methods on the website if you want to earn something more substantial.

Note: I won't be spending too much time writing these methods up, so I'm sorry if they are not really easy to understand. I'd rather spend time perfecting the more lucrative methods on the website.

1. Paying Workers Method
This method takes advantage of such sites like MyEasyTask and Minute Workers. There are many other websites like these however these are two that I have used and been accepted by.

Note: Some 'Micro Workers' websites don't allow you to ask for users to sign-up. Obviously stay away from these as you won't get accepted. MyEasyTask says they don't accept surveys but they have always accepted my campaigns. At the end of the day I think if you giving them their administration costs they don't really care.

1.1 - The Set-Up
Ok, first we need accounts on the websites suggested; you can find the links above or at the end of this method.
Now with this method we will need to invest a little money, however you should easily make it back.
Set up a small blog or something, it doesn't really matter as you aren't trying to target any particular market.
If you want you can direct users straight to a Survey... I only recommend doing this if you know your worker is definately in a particular country.
Go to the micro workers site and enter a campaign. It's pretty simple, just follow the instructions on the site.

As proof of completion I recommend asking for something like:
"What was the name of the survey you completed"

I would also mask your link with something like as I'm not entirely sure if this is really acceptable in the TOS of CPALead.
Also if you can, only get USA Workers, don't get International Workers. The chances of the surveys converting is much higher. Also if you target only USA workers you can just give them a direct link to the survey.

1.2 - The Profit?
So you might be wondering where we can make money with this method.
You set your price of completing the surveys to around 30-40 cents. This means you will atleast make around 30+ cents yourself. While this is not much if you get 10 people to do your survey you'll be making around $3+ profit.

This method is obviously scaleable, so you can make a good flow of income. It all depends on how many workers you want to buy as you have to pay upfront.

1.3 - Conclusion
To be quite honest this method is abit wishy-washy. I wouldn't use it unless you are either in need of some cash really quickly or you already have set up some other methods and want to add to your profits.

Useful Links: